A verdade absoluta somente poderá ser encontrada na palavra que herdamos de Deus, portanto, jamais devemos vacilar e deixar sucumbir a nossa crença, mesmo diante ou durante as provações, pois, temos a promessa do Senhor da garantia de alegrias e livramento de todo e qualquer mal, pelo que devemos glorificar sempre o nome do nosso criador e salvador.
Sentence of the day: God will dry our tears.
And God will clean of your eyes the whole tear; and there won't be more death, nor weeping, nor clamor, nor pain; because the first things are already last. (Apocalypse 21:4)
The absolute truth will only be able to be found in the word that we inherited of God, therefore, we should never hesitate and to let our faith to succumb, same before or during the probations, because, we have the promise of the Mister of the warranty of happiness and liberation of whole and any badly, for the that we should always glorify our creator's name and savior.
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