As atitudes, omissões e pensamentos que desagradam a Deus estão à nossa disposição para conhecimento na palavra, e ficarmos afastados destas práticas deve ser para nós um ato de grandeza e felicidade, pois, os mesmos em nada nos acrescentam e ainda nos afastam da glória do Senhor que tem maravilhas para as nossas vidas na terra e principalmente na Sua magnífica presença.
Sentence of the day: God notices us for our happiness.
Envy, homicides, intoxication, gluttonies, and similar things the these, concerning which I declare you, as already before told you, that the ones that make such things they won't inherit the kingdom of God. (Gálatas 5:21)
The attitudes, omissions and thoughts that displease God are to our disposition for knowledge in the word, and we be moved away of these practices it should be for us an act of greatness and happiness, because, the same ones in anything increase us and they still move away us of the glory of the Mister that has marvels for our lives in the earth and mainly in Your magnificent presence.
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