Por onde quer que andemos no mundo terreno, poderemos estar sujeitos ao inimigo que fica a nos espreitar no desejo de baixarmos a nossa guarda, portanto, a nossa observação aos estatutos do Senhor será a nossa vantagem perante qualquer mal, pois, com a fé inabalável como instrumento de defesa, a prudência e serenidade e nos acrescentará a astúcia para conquista dos nossos objetivos e vitórias contra os opressores.
Sentence of the day: the prudence and cunning come with the faith.
Suddenly I send you as sheep to the middle of wolves; therefore, careful thirst as the serpents and inoffensive as the doves. (Mateus 10:16)
For wherever we walk in the terrestrial world, we can be subject to the enemy that is peeping us in the desire of we lower our guard, therefore, our observation to the statutes of the Mister it will be our advantage before any evil, because, with the unshaken faith as defense instrument, the prudence and serenity and it will increase us the cunning for conquest of our objectives and victories against the oppressors.
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