Mesmo com imensurável poder, Deus vem tendo uma atenção especial e constante para com nós, perdoando as nossas transgressões, ajudando-nos a levantarmos e a passarmos incólumes pelas transgressões, portanto, devemos manter a nossa humildade, cultivando a semente da fé para que jamais deixe de crescer e florescer em agradecimento às graças que o Senhor tem nos ofertado.
Sentence of the day: The Mister it is high, but he doesn't forget of the humble ones.
Although the Mister it is high, it attempts though for the humble; but to the superb he knows him from a distance. (Psalms 138:6)
Even with immeasurable to can, God comes tends a special and constant attention to us, forgiving our transgressions, helping us lift her and we pass her unharmed for the transgressions, therefore, we should maintain our humility, cultivating the seed of the faith so that he never stops growing and blooming in gratefulness to the thanks that the Mister it has been presenting us.
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