Não precisamos nos vangloriar dos nossos atos, pois, Deus é conhecedor de todas as coisas e apreciará os nossos bons feitos, mesmo quando agirmos em silêncio.
Em reconhecimento pelas nossas ações segundo os ensinamentos do Senhor, seremos recompensados com oportunidades, as quais serão uma constante em nossas vidas.
Para que sejamos merecedores das graças de Deus, devemos perseverar cultivando a nossa crença no Senhor, a qual nos manterá firmes, mesmo quando nossas forças parecerem se esvair.
Sentence of the day: the door that God offers it stays open.
I know your works; suddenly before you pus an open door, and nobody can close her; tends little force, you kept my word, and you didn't deny my name. (Apocalypse 3:8)
We didn't need to boast of our acts, because, God is knowing of all the things and it will appreciate our good ones done, same when we act in silence.
In reward for our actions according to the teachings of the Mister, we will be rewarded with opportunities, which will be a constant in our lives.
So that we are worthy of the thanks of God, we should persevere cultivating our faith in the Mister, which will maintain us firm, same when our forces seem if it disperses.
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