Deus nos dá a garantia de socorro, de forças e de conquistas, jamais tendo sido visto; e essa capacidade de crença Ele plantou em nossos corações, nos deixando o conhecimento necessário para que com o livre arbítrio, possamos ou não permitir que a semente da fé germine, cresça e venha florescer produzindo vários e bons frutos, os quais nos apresentarão na presença do Senhor.
Sentence of the day: God reveals us what need.
Now, the faith is the firm foundation of the things that you wait for her, and the proof of the things that you don't see each other. (Hebrew 11:1)
God gives us the warranty of help, of forces and of conquests, having never been seen; and that capacity of faith He planted in our hearts, leaving us the necessary knowledge so that with the free will, let us can or not to allow the seed of the faith to germinate, grow and come to bloom producing several and good fruits, which will present us in the presence of the Mister.
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