Deus não desampara a quem lhe tem temor, ao contrário, reconhece imensamente aos que glorificam o nome do Senhor, não poupando esforços e sacrifícios terrenos por amor ao nome do Pai celestial que concederá a mais sublime herança, a vida eterna.
Sentence of the day: God in the reward vastly.
And all that that has left houses, or siblings, or sisters, or father, or mother, or woman, or children, or lands, for love of my name, will receive so much a hundred times, and it will inherit the eternal life. (Mateus 19:29)
God doesn't abandon to who has him fear, to the opposite, it recognizes vastly to the that glorify the name of the Mister, not saving efforts and terrestrial sacrifices for love to the celestial Father's name that will grant the most sublime inheritance, the eternal life.
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