Deus não apenas nos criou, Ele tem cuidado de nós por todos os instantes desde a nossa preciosa dádiva de vida. O amor que temos recebido é imensurável e inigualável, e o que nos é pedido é tão pouco, confiança no Senhor; e é um pedido do qual todos na verdade devem se orgulhar e muito, portanto, a nossa reflexão deve buscar o quanto temos nos dedicado a confiar no Senhor que nos restabelece as forças, nos protege, nos concede o perdão e está constantemente nos colocando de volta no caminho para que possamos ser felizes e ainda tenhamos a possibilidade da vida eterna.
Sentence of the day: to do our part, trusting in the Mister.
And you will help them and he will liberate them; he will liberate them of the heretics and it will save them, since they trust him. (Psalms 37:40)
God not just created us, He has been taking care of us for all the instants from our precious life gift. The love that we have been receiving is immeasurable and unequaled, and what is us request it is so a little, trust in the Mister; and it is a request of which all actually should make proud if and a lot, therefore, our reflection should look for him all we have been dedicating ourselves to trust in the Mister that reestablishes us the forces, it protects us, it grants us the pardon and it is constantly placing us of turn in the road so that we can be happy and let us still have the possibility of the eternal life.
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