Devemos estar sempre contentes por poder ter como protetor, Deus, o nosso criador que desde a concessão da nossa maior dádiva, mesmo com o nosso afastamento dos Seus ensinamentos, jamais desistiu de nós, ao contrário, enviou o único Filho para nos resgatar do inimigo.
Como se não bastasse, esta glória de proteção, o Senhor entre as várias promessas, ainda quer nos considerar como suas joias, quanta honra e imensurável alegria que deve tomar os nossos corações, pois, somos privilegiados ao extremo.
Sentence of the day: God wants us as Your jewels.
And they will be mine, he says you of the Armies; on that day they will be for me jewels; and I will save them, as a man it saves your Son, that serves him. (Malaquias 3:17)
We should always be happy for could have as protecting, God, our creator that from the concession of our largest gift, even with our removals of Your teachings, it never gave up of us, to the opposite, he sent only Son to rescue us of the enemy.
As if it was not enough, this protection glory, the Mister among the several promises, he still wants to be considered as your jewels, how much honor and immeasurable happiness that it should take our hearts, because, we are privileged to the end.
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