Deus está em todos os lugares, portanto, não necessitamos de testemunhas para comprovar que estamos oramos; podemos nos dirigir ao Senhor mesmo em silêncio e secretamente que seremos ouvidos, se ao fazermos, seja através da fé que foi plantada em nossos corações e que vem sendo regada todos os dias e a cada um deles, vem florescendo cada vem mais fortes e produzindo os bons e desejados frutos.
Sentence of the day: even in our silence prayers they are answered.
But you, when you pray, he enters in your room and, closing your door, for now to your Father that is in secret; and your Father, that sees in secret, will reward you openly. (Mateus 6:6)
God is every place, therefore, we didn't need witness to prove that are we prayed; we can go to the Mister even in silence and privately that will be heard, if to the we do, be through the faith that was planted in our hearts and that has been watered everyday and to each one of them, it is blooming each it comes stronger and producing the good ones and wanted fruits.
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