São inúmeras as recompensas que o Senhor tem reservado para cada um de nós, e o que temos a fazer é ser obedientes, humildes e tolerantes, mesmo diante das atribulações, acusações e injustiças que possam nos cercar, pois, nenhum mal durará para sempre, ao contrário, Deus dissipará todo o que tentar nos atingir para que possamos nos apropriar das Suas bênçãos.
Sentence of the day: obeying him Mister, we will be rewarded.
However you told me: He you lifts you, it puts you to I walk ahead of the people, so that they enter, and possess the earth that I swore to give to your parents. (Deuteronômio 10:11)
They are countless the rewards that the Mister he has private room for each one of us, and what has to do it is to be obedient, humble and tolerant, even before the tribulations, accusations and injustices that can surround us, therefore, any badly will last forever, to the opposite, God will dissipate all that try reach us so that we can appropriate of Your blessings.
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