As bênçãos que o Senhor tem reservado para nós são infinitas e não serão concedidas de acordo com as nossas obras, mas sim, com a nossa fidelidade aos ensinamentos e com a nossa perseverança em nos mantermos no caminho, mesmo diante das tribulações.
Pela nossa crença poderemos nos certificar que por maior que seja um desafio, se mantermos o nosso ânimo, seremos coroados com a vitória e com o descanso que nos permitirá revigorar as nossas forças para glória de Deus e nossa satisfação de corpo e alma.
Sentence of the day: valuable they are the blessings of the Mister.
Remember the word that ordered you Moisés, your servant, saying: You your God gives you rest, and he gives you this earth. (Josué 1:13)
The blessings that the Mister he has private room for us they are infinite and they won't be granted in agreement with our works, but, with our fidelity to the teachings and with our perseverance in we maintain ourselves in the road, even due to the tribulations.
For our faith we can certify ourselves that for adult than it is a challenge, if we maintain our vitality, we will be crowned with the victory and with the rest that will allow to invigorate us our forces for glory of God and our body satisfaction and soul.
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