Agradar a Deus e agir segundo os ensinamentos que nos deixou, pois assim, jamais estaremos sozinhos nas nossas lutas e as nossas jornadas por mais árduas que sejam nos renderão frutos dignos de glória ao Senhor. Sempre gratificante agir com temor ao Pai celestial.
Sentence of the day: it is pleasant our fear to the Mister.
And that that sent is me with me. The Father has not only been leaving me, because I always do what pleases him. (João 8:29)
To please God and to act according to the teachings that he left us, therefore like this, we will never be alone in our fights and our days no matter how arduous they are us they will surrender fruits worthy of glory to the Mister. Always gratifying to act with fear to the celestial Father.
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