Deus nos oferta proteção por promessa, então, jamais teremos que ter medo, apenas precauções, pois quem está no controle de nossas vidas é o Senhor de todas as coisas, portanto, estaremos sempre protegidos e fortalecidos para que a vitória seja sempre alcançada para o que daremos graças e glorificaremos o nosso criador.
Sentence of the day: with God for us, the fear doesn't belong us.
Don't fear, because I am with you; be not surprised, because I am your God; I strengthen you, and I help you, and I sustain you with the skillful of my justice. (Isaías 41:10)
God in the offer protection for promise, then, we will never have to have fear, just precautions, because that is in the control of our lives it is it Mister of all the things, therefore, we will be always protected and strengthened for the victory to be always reached for what we will give thanks and we will glorify our creator.
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