Deus tem para nós a promessa de um futuro promissor se formos fiéis e obedientes à palavra, portanto, não precisamos perder tempo em tentar adivinhar o futuro, ao contrário, devemos nos preocupar em viver um presente entoando cânticos e louvando ao Senhor para que as nossas orações sejam elevadas ao céu e os nossos pedidos sejam conhecidos para nossa vitória e glórias do Pai.
Sentence of the day: the actions of the present send us the a future of glories.
But, as it is written: The things that the eye didn't see, and the ear didn't hear, AND they didn't arise to the man's heart, Saint the ones that God prepared for the ones that love him. (1 Corinthian 2:9)
God has for us the promise of a promising future if we go faithful and obedient to the word, therefore, we didn't need to lose time in trying to guess the future, to the opposite, we should worry in living a present intoning songs and praising to the Mister so that our prayers are high to the sky and our requests are known for our victory and glories of the Father.
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