Mesmo reconhecendo as nossas faltas, jamais devemos duvidar de um chamado de Deus, ao contrário, a nossa obediência deverá ser de prontidão, não importando com o que as pessoas vão dizer, pois, nada mais é importante do que a presença do Senhor em nossa vida.
Sentence of the day: God has plans for our life.
And when Jesus arrived the that place, looking upward, he saw him and he told him: Zaqueu, goes down fast, because today it suits to place me in your house. And, hurrying, it went down, and it received him happily. (Lucas 19:5-6)
Same recognizing our lacks, we should never doubt of a call of God, to the opposite, our obedience should be of readiness, not mattering with the one that the people will say, because, nothing else is important than the presence of the Mister in our life.
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