O conforto terrestre da nossa tenda é bem vindo, desde não permitirmos que ofusque o nosso horizonte segundo os ensinamentos divinos, portanto, devemos repensar sempre as nossas ações e os nossos compromissos para com Deus, verificando atentamente se realmente não estamos enclausurados e necessitando estender além das beneficies materiais, agindo com firmeza, com o coração aberto sem nenhum empecilho para que possamos produzir bons frutos e honrar grandemente o Senhor.
Sentence of the day: we needed to produce good fruits.
It enlarges the place of your awning, and extend the curtains of your houses; don't impede him; it prolongates your strings, and it fastens your stakes well. (Isaías 54:2).
The terrestrial comfort of our awning is well coming, from we allow not that obscures our horizon according to the divine teachings, therefore, we should always rethink our actions and our commitments to God, verifying sincerely if we are not really cloistered and needing to extend besides you benefit them materials, acting with firmness, with the open heart without any difficulty so that we can produce good fruits and to honor him largely Mister.
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