Somos nascidos de filhos de Deus e devemos amar e respeitar os nossos familiares, mas, precisamos render graças somente ao Senhor que verdadeiramente devemos chamar de Pai, pois, é o criador do céu e da terra e de tudo que nela habita, inclusive cada um de nós que tivemos a honra de sermos criados à Sua imagem e semelhança.
Sentence of the day: God is the true Father.
And to anybody in the earth call your father, because only one is your Father, which is in the skies. (Mateus 23:9)
We are born of children of God and we should love and to respect our relatives, but, we needed to only surrender thanks to the Mister that should truly call of Father, because, he is the creator of the sky and of the earth and of everything that inhabits in her, besides each one of us that we had the honor of we be created to Your image and likeness.
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