domingo, 27 de novembro de 2016

Frase do dia: clamando seremos atendidos.

E invoca-me no dia da angústia; eu te livrarei, e tu me glorificarás. (Salmos 50:15)

Inclusive nos momentos em que pensarmos não haver mais soluções e a angústia estiver tentando nos envolver, devemos buscar pela face do Senhor em orações e pedirmos que nos conceda as respostas para eliminarmos as dificuldades.

Deus sempre ouve as preces e concede o socorro para que alcancemos a liberdade e a vitória contra as armadilhas, pelo que devemos glorificarmos o santo nome  do Senhor.

Sentence of the day: shouting will be assisted

And it invokes me in the day of the anguish; I will liberate you, and you will glorify me. (Psalms 50:15) 
Besides in the moments in that think there not to be more solutions and the anguish is trying to wrap up, we should look for the face of the Mister in prayers and we ask that grants us the answers for us to eliminate the difficulties. 

God always hears the prayers and it grants the help so that we reach the freedom and the victory against the traps, for the that we glorify the saint name of the Mister.

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