sábado, 9 de julho de 2016

Frase do dia: respeitar as diferenças.

Mas quem fizer agravo receberá o agravo que fizer; pois não há acepção de pessoas. (Colossenses 3:25)

As injustiças devem ser repreendidas. Somos irmãos em Cristo, portanto, importante que saibamos conviver em harmonia, com amor e sendo solidários uns para com os outros.

Sentence of the day: to respect the differences.

But who does offence will receive the offence that does; because there is not people's meaning. (Colossenses 3:25)

The injustices should be reprehended. We are siblings in Christ, therefore, important that we know how to live together in harmony, with love and being solidary some to the other ones.

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