segunda-feira, 15 de junho de 2015

Frase do dia: sob os nossos pés.

Em Deus faremos proezas, pois ele calcará aos pés os nossos inimigos. (Salmos 108:13)

As dificuldades e os seus causadores jamais serão fortes o bastante para nos causar danos efetivos, se tivermos segurando nas mãos de Deus. O Senhor fará com que todo a mal que tentar se levantar contra seus servos, sejam colocados sob as plantas dos seus pés.

Sentence of the day: under our feet.

In God we will make feats, because he will step on to the feet our enemies. (Psalms 108:13)

The difficulties and your responsible will never be strong enough to cause us effective damages, if we have holding in the hands of God. The Mister he will do with that all to badly that to try to lift against your servants, be placed under the plants of your feet.

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