terça-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2013

Frase do dia: a verdadeira vitória vem do Senhor.

Espera no SENHOR, anima-te, e ele fortalecerá o teu coração; espera, pois, no SENHOR. (Salmos 27:14)

O sucesso em nossas vidas pode ser duradouro ou provisório, nos proporcionar alegrias ou tristezas, tudo depende da forma que buscamos as nossas conquistas, as quais devem atender os ensinamentos que nos foram deixados pela palavra, pois somente o Senhor engrandece nossas vitórias.

Sentence of the day: the true victory comes from the Mister.

He you waits in you, it encourages you, and he will strengthen your heart; he you waits, because, in you. (Psalms 27:14)

The success in our lives can be durable or temporary, to provide us happiness or sadness, everything depends in the way that we looked for our conquests, which should assist the teachings that were left us by the word, because only the Mister it increases our victories.

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