segunda-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2012

Frase do dia: sábias são as palavras do Senhor!

Assim será a minha palavra, que sair da minha boca; ela não voltará para mim vazia, antes fará o que me apraz, e prosperará naquilo para que a enviei. (Isaías 55:11)

Sábias são as palavras do Senhor, as quais se buscarmos com atenção e fé, jamais nos deixam sem respostas e sem a possibilidade de realizações, pois, elas são perfeitas e dignas de glória, portanto, não devemos nos ocupar ou dar ouvidos aqueles que tentam promovera discórdia e que nada nos acrecentam.

Sentence of the day: wise persons are the words of the Mister!

It will be like this my word, that to leave of my mouth; she won't go back to me empty, before he will do what it pleases me, and it will prosper in that so that I sent her. (Isaías 55:11)

Wise persons are the words of the Mister, the ones which if we look for with attention and faith, they never leave us without answers and without the possibility of accomplishments, because, they are perfect and worthy of glory, therefore, we should not be in charge of or to give ears those that try had promoted discord and that anything we increase.

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