quinta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2012

Frase do dia: nossas forças são renovadas.

Porque assim diz o Senhor DEUS, o Santo de Israel: Voltando e descansando sereis salvos; no sossego e na confiança estaria a vossa força, mas não quisestes. (Isaías 30:15)

Devemos procurar renovar as nossas forças ao final de cada vitória frente às tribulações e cultivando a nossa fé para que nos seja concedido a paz e tenhamos renovadas as nossas forças pelo Senhor.

Sentence of the day: our forces are renewed.

Because the Mister GOD, Saint of Israel says like this: Returning and resting will be saved; in the serenity and in the trust it would be your force, but you didn't want. (Isaías 30:15)

We should try to renew our forces at the end of each victory front to the tribulations and cultivating our faith for it is granted us the peace and let us have renewed our forces for the Mister.

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