sábado, 4 de agosto de 2012

Frase do dia: paciência e será coroado com a vitória.

Esperei com paciência no SENHOR, e ele se inclinou para mim, e ouviu o meu clamor. (Salmos 40:1)
Ainda que seja caluniado, injuriado, enfim, que injustiças sejam cometidas contra você, jamais pense que Deus não esteja contigo, ao contrário, se estás suportando as tribulações é porque o Senhor está o amparando, portanto, confie pacientemente e a vitória lhe será proporcionada.

Sentence of the day: patience and it will be crowned with the victory. 
I waited with patience in you, and he leaned for me, and he heard my clamor. (Psalms 40:1) 
Although it is calumniated, insulted, finally, that injustices are made against you, never think that God is not with you, to the opposite, she are supporting the tribulations it is because the Mister it is him aiding, therefore, trust patiently and the victory will be him provided.

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