A falsidade é recriminada, mas, não tem possibilidade de
prevalecer. O poder da verdade dissipará com facilidade a mentira e perpetuará
para que haja justiça.
Deus nos ensina que a falsidade é causadora de injustiças,
portanto, deverá ser combatida para que a palavra seja honrada.
Sentence of the day: truth.
The lip of the truth stays forever,
but the language of the falsehood, lasts for only one moment. (Proverbs
The falsehood is recriminated, but,
he doesn't have possibility to prevail. The power of the truth will dissipate
with easiness the lie and it will perpetuate so that there is justice.
God teaches us that the falsehood is
cause of injustices, therefore, it should be combatted for the word it is
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