Deus é perdão e nos deixa este ensinamento dentre inúmeros
outros maravilhosos. Aprendendo a praticar o perdão, faremos com que a nossa
vida terrena será mais alegre e promissora e estaremos honrando o Senhor.
Sentence of the day: requests of the
Me, however, I tell you: Love your
enemies, want the ones that well they curse you, do well to yourselves that
hate you, and pray for the that mistreat you and they pursue you; so that you
are children of your Father that is in the skies. (Mateus 5:44)
God is pardon and he leaves us this
teaching among countless other wonderful ones. Learning how to practice the
pardon, we will do with that our terrestrial life will be more cheerful and
promising and we will be honoring him Mister.
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