Deus nos deixou maravilhosos conselhos, os quais podem nos
conduzir sempre para a vitória, e não precisamos nos esforçar para sermos
merecedores de uma felicidade plena, ao contrário, os nossos atos para alcançarmos
inigualáveis graças serão serenos e amáveis, quando estaremos exercendo os
ensinamentos do Senhor.
Sentence of the day: divine
Because, any that does my Father's
will that is in the skies, this is my brother, and sister and mother. (Mateus 12:50)
God left us wonderful advices, which
can always behave for the victory, and we didn't need to make an effort for us
to be worthy of a full happiness, to the opposite, our acts for us to reach
unequaled thanks they will be serene and you loved, when we will be exercising
the teachings of the Mister.
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