A prosperidade ensinada por Deus, dura para sempre e traz
alegrias. Quando as conquistas não observam os sábios preceitos prescritos na
palavra, jamais se efetivaram, ao contrário, serão passageiros e enquanto
durarem não haverá alegria, e sim, um vazio constante.
Sentence of the day: conquests
Because Israel forgot about your
Creator, and it built temples, and Judá it multiplied fortified cities. But I
will send a fire against your cities, that it will consume your palaces. (Oséias 8:14)
The prosperity taught by God, it
lasts forever and he/she brings happiness. When the conquests don't observe the
wise persons precepts prescribed in the word, they were never executed, to the
opposite, they will be passing and while they last there won't be happiness,
but, a constant emptiness.
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