Mesmo quando pecado estava tentando prevalecer, o Senhor
confiou ao mundo terreno o seu único filho em mais uma imensa e inigualável
demonstração de amor por nós.
Os aborrecimentos e os pecados que os seres humanos causaram
ao Senhor, têm sido perdoados constantemente, pois, Deus é um pai
misericordioso que está sempre se reconciliando com os seus filhos.
Sentence of the day: reconciliation.
Because if us, being enemy, we were reconciled with
God by your Son death, much more, having already been reconciled, we will be
saved by your life. (Roman 5:10)
Same when sin was trying to prevail, the Mister it
entrusted to the terrestrial world your only son in one more immense and
unequaled love demonstration for us.
The upset and the sins that the human beings caused to
the Mister, they have constantly been forgiven, because, God is a merciful
father that is always if reconciling with your children.
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