A justiça não será possível com pensamentos ou atos de
vinganças, o que agrada somente ao inimigo que está sempre disposto a instaura
as contendas.
Deus nos ensina que os malfeitores merecem a oportunidade de
se redimirem, portanto, importante concedermos o benefício da dúvida, sendo
cordiais e amáveis com os mesmos.
Sentence of the day: he you closes of glove.
Therefore, if your enemy is hungry, he feeds him/her;
if he has thirst, he gives him of drinking; because, making this, you will pile
fire embers on your head. (Roman 12:20)
The justice won't be possible with thoughts or acts of
revenges, what only pleases the enemy that is always willing her it establishes
the contentions.
God teaches us that
the malefactors deserve the opportunity of if they redeem, therefore, important
we grant the benefit of the doubt, being cordial and you loved with the same
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