Quando buscamos por uma casa de orações ou até mesmo em nossos lares com o objetivo de elevarmos os nossos pedidos e agradecimentos ao Senhor através das orações, precisamos cuidar para que não sejam palavras ou atos repetitivos e simplesmente decorados, pois, de nada adiantará invocar o nome do Senhor sem que a fé esteja presente e florescendo em nossos corações.
Sentence of the day: to pray with faith.
Now, without faith it is impossible to please him; because it is necessary that that that approaches of God believes that he exists, and that is that that rewards to the that look for him. (Hebrew 11:6)
When we looked for a house of prayers or even in our homes with the objective of we elevate our requests and gratefulness to the Mister through the prayers, we needed to take care so that they are not words or repetitive acts and simply decorations, because, of anything it will advance to invoke the name of the Mister without the faith is present and blooming in our hearts.
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