Por melhor que seja a nossa vida terrena, nada poderá se comparar às glórias que Deus tem reservado para nós, portanto, se estamos em situações de dificuldades, o melhor e efetivo socorro será concedido pelo Senhor, e se estamos vivendo em condições favoráveis, as graças alcançadas serão as jamais imaginadas ou sonhadas.
Jamais poderemos deixar de atender ao chamado do nosso criador, ao contrário, devemos atender imediatamente e sem contestar, e seremos coroados com bênçãos magníficas para nossa tranquilidade e alegria plena.
Sentence of the day: to assist to the call of the Mister.
And Jesus, walking the sea of Galiléia close to, he saw two siblings, Simão, called Pedro, and André, your brother, which threw the nets to the sea, because they were fishermen. And he told them: Come after me, and I will make you men's fishermen. (Mateus 4:18-19)
For best that is our terrestrial life, nothing can be compared to the glories that God has private room for us, therefore, we are been in situations of difficulties, the best and effective help will be granted by the Mister, and one are living in favorable conditions, the reached thanks will be the never imagined or dreamed.
We will never be able to stop assisting to our creator's call, to the opposite, we should assist immediately and without objecteding, and we will be crowned with magnificent blessings for our peacefulness and full happiness.
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