Dêem fruto que mostre o arrependimento! (Mateus 3:8)
Caso cairmos em tentações ou deixarmos de obedecer algum ensinamento do nosso Senhor, devemos o quanto antes buscar a face do nosso criador em orações, pedindo perdão pelas nossas transgressões, confessando estarmos arrependidos e procurando realizar obras boas.
Sentence of the day: regret.
Give fruit that shows the regret! (Mateus 3:8)
When God planted the seed of the faith in our hearts, he hoped cultivated so that he could give good fruits, which would be us useful and it could also be shared with our siblings.
In case we fall in temptations or we stop obeying some teaching of ours Mister, as soon as possible we should look for our creator's face in prayers, asking for forgiveness for our transgressions, admitting be sorry and trying to accomplish good works.
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