Umas das formas de demonstrarmos a nossa confiança em Deus é a obediência à palavra. O Senhor não nos desamparará, ao contrário, sempre estará ao nosso lado para que jamais sejamos envergonhados pelo mal, ao contrário, seremos capazes de fazer com que os injustos partam em retirada.
Sentence of the day: obedience.
And it must be that, when these signs come you, do what to find your hand, because God is with you. (1 Samuel 10:7)
Some in the ways of we demonstrate our trust in God it is the obedience to the word. The Mister it won't abandon us, to the opposite, it will always be to our side so that we are never embarrassed for the evil, to the opposite, we will be capable to do with that the unjust ones leave in retreat.
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