Deus nos criou à Sua imagem e semelhança, nos permitindo ser considerados seus filhos, portanto, somos herdeiros de imenso poder e pela firmeza da fé, de nossas mãos também podem emanar poderes que podem fazer maravilhas. O que precisamos é nos comportamos enquanto merecedores do trono, divulgando a palavra e realizando obras agradáveis ao nosso criador.
Sentence of the day: the power of the hands.
And the radiance was made as the light, brilliant rays left your hand, and there it was the hiding place of your force. (Habacuque 3:4)
God created us to Your image and likeness, allowing to be considered your children, therefore, we are heirs of immense power and for the firmness of the faith, of our hands they can also emanate powers that can make marvels. The one that we needed is we held while worthy of the throne, publishing the word and accomplishing pleasant works to our creator.
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