Deus jamais nos pediu ou nos pedirá qualquer coisa que não possamos realizar, ao contrário, os pedidos do Senhor para nós são suaves e agradáveis a nós mesmos, portanto, regando com perseverança a semente da fé que foi plantada com imenso amor em nossos corações, sairemos ilesos e vitoriosos de qualquer que seja a situação.
Sentence of the day: unhurt.
When you pass for the waters I will be with you, and when for the rivers, they won't submerge you; when you pass for the fire, you won't burn, nor the fire will burn in you. (Isaías 43:2)
God never asked us or he will ask us any thing that we cannot accomplish, the opposite, the requests of the Mister for us they are soft and you pleased us same, therefore, watering with perseverance the seed of the faith that was planted with immense love in our hearts, will come out unhurt and victorious of any that is the situation.
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