Deus espera que possamos viver em alegria e em segurança e que sejamos merecedores de prosperidade para que tenhamos uma vida confortável e digna, porém, recrimina a miséria.
É importante que a nossa jornada seja cercada de serenidade, paz e sorrisos e que os nossos dias sejam aqueles que mereçam ser lembrados com satisfação, portanto, devemos combater aquele sentimento de avareza e evitarmos morrer ricos, ao contrário, se conquistamos algumas posses com permissão do Senhor é porque Ele quer que vivamos ricos.
Sentence of the day: to live with happiness.
If the man generates a hundred children, and to live many years, and the days of your years go many, and if your soul doesn't gorge of the good, and besides he/she doesn't have grave, I say that an abortion is better than he. (Eclesiastes 6:3)
God waits that can live in happiness and in safety and that are worthy of prosperity so that we have a comfortable life and he deigns, however, it recriminates the poverty.
It is important that our day is surrounded of serenity, peace and smiles and that our days are those that deserve be reminded with satisfaction, therefore, we should combat that avarice feeling and we avoid to die rich, to the opposite, if we conquered some ownerships with permission of the Mister it is because He wants that live rich.
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