É sábio e ensinamento divino o respeito ao próximo e principalmente aos nossos pais, portanto, por mais que tenhamos opiniões divergentes, devemos nos esforçar para não agirmos com desobediência ao nosso pai e à nossa mãe, ao contrário, é enriquecedor saber ouvir o que eles nos dizem, podendo discutir serenamente com o objetivo de manifestarmos as nossas opiniões.
A cada instante de nossas vidas devemos procurar honrar o nosso criador, aceitando Deus como nosso criador e único salvador, procurando realizar as obras que nos ensina, mas, respeitando os seus estatutos, inclusive quanto aos momentos de descanso para o nosso lazer e restauração das nossas forças.
Sentence of the day: obedience.
Each one will fear your mother and to your father, and he
will keep my Saturdays. I am it Mister your God. (Levítico 19:3)
It is wise and divine teaching the respect to the neighbor and mainly to our parents, therefore, no matter how much we have contrary opinions, we should make an effort for us not to act with disobedience to our father and our mother, to the opposite, it is profitable to know to hear what they tell us, could calmly discuss with the objective of we manifest our opinions.
To each instant of our lives we should try to honor our creator, accepting God as our creator and only savior, trying to accomplish the works that he teaches us, but, respecting your statutes, besides with relationship to the moments of rest for our leisure and restoration of our forces.
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