A nossa vida é uma constante, portanto, devemos a cada instante renovar os nossos conceitos, sempre com o entendimento que a palavra nos oferece.
Jamais podemos conformar com uma ou outra situação, por mais que nos pareça favorável, ao contrário, a nossa crença precisa ser cultivada com perseverança para que continue produzindo bons frutos capazes de nos saciar e também aos nossos irmãos.
Sentence of the day: not to the conformism.
It is non thirst conformed with this world, but thirst transformed by the renewal of your understanding, so that you try which is the good, pleasant, and perfect will of God. (Roman 12:2)
Our life is a constant, therefore, we owed to each instant to renew our concepts, always with the understanding that the word offers us.
We can never conform with an or other situation, no matter how much it seems us favorable, to the opposite, our faith needs to be cultivated with perseverance so that it continues producing good fruits capable to satiate us and also to our siblings.
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