Quando cumprimos com nossos deveres ou realizamos as atitudes, demonstrando que estaremos dedicados a fazer a nossa parte, sem dúvida alguma o Senhor estará de braços abertos nos aguardando para nos contemplar com o que não somos capazes.
Não importa o quanto numerosos sejam os nossos inimigos ou quanto poder demonstrem, se agirmos de acordo com as instruções da palavra, Deus nos eleva e nos concede a expressiva e incontestável vitória.
Sentence of the day: powerful it is God.
To throw out of before you larger and more powerful nations than you, to introduce you and to give you your earth for inheritance, as on this day he sees himself. (Deuteronômio 4:38)
When we executed our duties or we accomplished the attitudes, demonstrating that we will be dedicated to do our part, without any doubt the Mister it will be of open arms us awaiting to contemplate us with what we are not capable.
He you doesn't import him as numerous they are our enemies or as to can they demonstrate, if we act in agreement with the instructions of the word, God elevates us and it grants us the expressive and unanswerable victory.
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