Entoar louvores ao Senhor é sábio e deve ser prazeroso, pois, alegra a quem os canta e ao nosso Deus. Os louvores podem ser em alto e bom tom, mas jamais terão a sua qualidade diminuída pela serenidade, assim como nossas orações, as quais principalmente em lugares mais tranquilos poderão levar com mais propriedade os nossos pedidos ao Senhor.
Sentence of the day: prayers and serenity.
And, getting up in the morning, very early, still making darkness, he left, and it went to a deserted place, and there it prayed. (Marcos 1:35)
To intone praises to the Mister it is wise and it should be pleased, because, it cheers to who sings them and to our God. The praises can be in high and good tone, but they will never have your quality decreased by the serenity, as well as our prayers, the ones which mainly in calmer places they can take with more property our requests to the Mister.
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