Deus nos mostra a inigualável e gloriosa vantagem para que possamos tomar a decisão certa. Estaremos indo ao encontro da vida eterna e enquanto percorremos o percurso seremos agraciados com bênçãos e mantidos sobre a proteção divina, portanto, devemos perseverar em busca da porta que nos conduz ao Senhor.
Sentence of the day: right decision.
And because it narrows it is the door, and tight the road that takes to the life, and few there are that find her. (Mateus 7:14)
God in the display the unequaled and glorious advantage so that we can make the right decision. We will be going to the encounter of the eternal life and while we traveled the course we will be favored with blessings and maintained about the divine protection, therefore, we should persevere in search of the door that leads us to the Mister.
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