Quem será o menor, o maior ou que receberemos de Deus não é uma preocupação com a qual devemos lidar. O que precisamos é nos mantermos fiéis aos ensinamentos que o Senhor nos deixou pela palavra, regando a semente da fé que foi plantada em nossos corações e cultivando-a para que continue florescendo e produza frutos que possam ser apreciados e sirvam para saciar o nosso próximo.
Devemos nos despojar do apego material, nos revestindo com a glória que somente a palavra pode nos conceder, e no tempo certo, Deus nos honrará com a prosperidade e seremos reconhecidos como Seus verdadeiros filhos, dignos da prometida vida eterna.
Muitas vezes alguns ainda quando jovens despertam para as verdades da palavra, aceitando o Senhor e até elevam os seus pensamentos a Deus, mas não agem efetivamente como cristãos, deixando de obervar o comportamento e as realizações segundo a vontade do nosso criador; esses podem ser os últimos ou nem mesmo serem reconhecidos pelo Senhor; já aqueles que mesmo despertando na maturidade para a glória do Senhor, procurando viver pela palavra com entusiasmo e repletos de fé e temor a Deus, mas jamais se preocupando em serem recompensados, serão coroados como os primeiros, sendo merecedores da imensurável graça soberana de Deus que é a sublime herança da vida eterna.
Sentence of the day: the reward of the Mister it is not a right, but, a grace.
Then Pedro, taking the word, he/she told him: Suddenly we left everything, and we followed you; what will receive? And Jesus told them: Truly I tell you that you, that followed me, when, in the regeneration, the man's Son to settle in the throne of your glory, you will also settle on twelve thrones, to judge the twelve tribes of Israel. And all that that has left houses, or siblings, or sisters, or father, or mother, or woman, or children, or lands, for love of my name, will receive so much a hundred times, and it will inherit the eternal life. However, many first they will be the last ones, and many last they will be the first ones. (Mateus 19:27-30)
Who will be the smallest, the largest or that will receive from God it is not a concern with which we should work. The one that we needed is we maintain followers to the teachings that the Mister he left us for the word, watering the seed of the faith that was planted in our hearts and cultivating her so that it continues blooming and produce fruits that can be appreciated and be to satiate our close one.
We should undress of the material attachment, covering us with the glory that only the word can grant us, and in the right time, God will honor us with the prosperity and we will be recognized as Your true children, worthy of the promised eternal life.
A lot of times some although youths wake up for the truths of the word, accepting him Mister and until they elevate your thoughts to God, but they don't act indeed as Christians, stopping observing the behavior and the accomplishments according to our creator's will; those can be the last ones or not even they be recognized by the Mister; already those that same waking up in the maturity for the glory of the Mister, trying to live for the word with enthusiasm and replete of faith and fear to God, but never worrying in they be rewarded, they will be crowned as the first ones, being worthy of the immeasurable sovereign grace of God that is the sublime inheritance of the eternal life.
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