A justiça é apreciada por Deus, tanto que nos deixou os sábios mandamentos pelos quais devemos nos orientar pelos caminhos da palavra, por onde nos tornaremos a cada dia, mais merecedores das bênçãos do Senhor e estaremos preparados quando do chamado, em que as contas serão prestadas e as poderemos tê-las por aprovadas.
Sentence of the day: accounts rendered to the Mister.
Because God must bring to judgement the whole work, and until everything that is hidden, he wants it is good, he wants it is bad. (Eclesiastes 12:14)
The justice is appreciated by God, so much that left us the wise persons commandments for the which we should guide ourselves for the roads of the word, through where we will become every day, more worthy of the blessings of the Mister and we will be prepared when of the call, in that the bills will be rendered and we can have them for approved.
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