Todos somos irmãos em Jesus, portanto, devemos seguir os ensinamentos que herdamos do Senhor pela palavra, perdoando, mas repreendendo sem publicidade, sempre que cometerem falta contra nós, pois, com essa atitude o verdadeiro irmão permanecerá e ainda agradaremos a Deus.
Sentence of the day: dialogue with the brother.
Now, if your brother sins against you, it goes, and it only reprehends him between you and him; if he hears you, you won your brother. (Mateus 18:15)
All are siblings in Jesus, therefore, the teachings that we inherited of the should proceed Mister for the word, forgiving, but reprehending without publicity, whenever they make lack against us, because, with that attitude the true brother will stay and we will still please God.
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