O reconhecimento em sermos mulheres e homens de Deus deve ser visto como algo gratificante e sem igual, pois, reafirmará que estamos no caminho correto e indicado pelo Senhor para que possamos chegar ao Seu precioso encontro.
Não importa onde ou por quem quer que seja, se estivermos realizando os nossos atos sob o entendimento que Deus nos deixou, seremos reconhecidos como pessoas que tememos a Deus e inspiraremos confiança aos que nos rodeiam.
Sentence of the day: recognition for we practice the word.
And she said to your husband: Suddenly I have been observing that this that always goes by us is a saint man of God. (2 Reis 4:9)
The recognition in we be women and men of God it should be seen as something gratifying and unique, because, it will reaffirm that are in the correct and suitable road for the Mister so that we can arrive to Your precious encounter.
He you doesn't matter where or for who wants that is, if we are accomplishing our acts under the understanding that God left us, we will be recognized as people that we feared God and we will inspire trust to the that surround us.
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