sexta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2017

Frase do dia: tranquilidade.

E ele, despertando, repreendeu o vento, e disse ao mar: Cala-te, aquieta-te. E o vento se aquietou, e houve grande bonança. (Marcos 4:39)

Deus sabe das nossas necessidades e das nossas angústias, e se pedirmos com fé, receberemos e teremos dissipadas as nossas tristezas para que a alegria se efetive.

Sentence of the day: peacefulness

And him, waking up, it reprehended the wind, and he said to the sea: He you silences you, it quiets you. And the wind quieted down, and there was great calm. (Marcos 4:39) 
God knows about our needs and of our anguishes, and if we ask with faith, we will receive and we will have dissipated our sadness so that the happiness is executed.

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