domingo, 23 de outubro de 2016

Frase do dia: a prática do bem será recompensada.

O homem bom se compadece, e empresta; disporá as suas coisas com juízo. Porque nunca será abalado; o justo estará em memória eterna. (Salmos 112:5-6)

Deus nos ensina a importância da solidariedade e das recompensas com as quais seremos contemplados, portanto, a nossa prática da bondade deve ser cotidiana.

Sentence of the day: the practice of the good will be rewarded

The good man sympathizes with, and he lends; it will dispose your things with judgement. Because it will never be affected; the fair will be in eternal memory. (Psalms 112:5-6) 

God teaches us the importance of the solidarity and of the rewards with which we will be meditated, therefore, our practice of the kindness should be daily.

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