sábado, 27 de setembro de 2014

Frase do dia: dignos de graças.

E fez o que era reto aos olhos do Senhor, conforme tudo o que fizera Davi, seu pai. (2 Reis 18:3)

Tudo quanto fizermos deverá estar de acordo com o que nos ensina o Senhor, para que não cometamos erros e ainda seremos capazes de agradar ao nosso criador que nos recompensará com graças imensuráveis.

Sentence of the day: worthy free.

And he made what it was straight to the eyes of the Mister, according to everything that had made Davi, your father. (2 Reis 18:3)

Whatever does it should be in agreement with what he teaches us the Mister, so that we don't make mistakes and we will still be capable to please our creator that will reward us with immeasurable thanks.

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